Hydrafacial MD®

Hydrafacial MD®

t is a medical-grade resurfacing treatment that uses a patented hydradermabrasion device that leaves skin radiant, incredibly soft and free of impurities in 5 steps. The advanced technology of Hydrafacial uses a system that by means of a pen-like handpiece distributes serums with exfoliating, antiaging and antioxidant properties that are infused into the pores eliminating dead cells to improve the texture of the skin. A slight suction is performed that exfoliates and stimulates the microcirculation, achieving lymphatic drainage, detoxifying and oxygenating the cells. The active solutions soften the pores, blackheads and impurities for proper extraction and removal and preparing the skin to receive a gentle peel, followed by an infusion rich in antioxidants and vitamins that also have anti-inflammatory properties that after nourishing helps the pores return to its normal state. At the end, a massage hydration is performed and phototherapy is applied to soothe the skin and stimulate the collagen. At the end of the procedure the patient can observe in a collecting tube the liquids with the impurities obtained from their skin.

Am I a candidate for a Hydrafacial Treatment?

Hydrafacial is beneficial to everyone who wants glowing skin and any age is appropiate. It is excellent to improve:

What can I expect during and after Hydrafacial?

Since is a non-invasive and non-irritant treatment no preparation is needed, there is no recovery time and the best part is that is completely painless. Patients can immediately return to their normal activities, and if required they can apply makeup, go out in the sun, etc.

How long does a Treatment last and how often can I do it?

The duration of the Hydrafacial is 1 hour and it is recommended to do 1 session per month for 6 months, however it is possible to do it once a month for life if you want to maintain a healthy skin.

What results may be expected?

Amazing improvement in skin texture and pores is noticed immediately, changes in elasticity and firmness are more noticeable in the next couple of months by collagen stimulation as proven in clinical trials

“Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology” published biopsy findings with: