Skin Tags

Skin Tags

The majority of people with skin tags desire to have them removed due to their unattractive appearance or any discomfort that comes with having the skin tag rubbed repeatedly by clothing or jewelry. The most common areas for skin tags to appear are:

Skin tags typically appear on the middle-aged population as well as overweight adults. Anyone can get a skin tag, but some skin types are more susceptible to them. Skin tags typically appear in places where skin rubs against skin. Pregnancy is a time when women have a tendency to form skin tags, thanks to elevations in hormone levels.El procedimiento para eliminarlos es muy sencillo y rápido, dependiendo del tamaño pueden retirarse con nitrógeno líquido o por medio de resección quirúrgica con tijeras finas y cauterización.

Skin tag removal is an easy and relatively painless medical dermatology treatment. Skin tags typically do not require anesthesia, but to make our patients comfortable, we can inject a topical anesthesia prior to skin tag removal treatments. We remove skin tags using the following methods: