

It is more common in women, but tends to be more severe in men. There is an exaggerated reactivity of the blood vessels. Rosacea tends to affect the center of the face, cheeks, chin and nose, and is characterized by redness, dilated blood vessels, in some cases small red bumps and pus-filled spots, often with a tendency to blush easily. The cause of rosacea is unknown, but it is triggered by sun exposure, heat, spicy food, stress, alcohol and exercise. The theory that rosacea is due to bacteria in the skin or gut has not been proven, however antibiotics have proven efficacious. It is not contagious. Antibiotics are prescribed for their antinflammatory effect. There are many new effective treatments for rosacea, depending on the severity we will decide either a topical or oral treatment, as well as recommending mild products since rosacea skin is very sensitive. Isotretinoin tablets are occasionally given for very severe rosacea. Unsightly redness and dilated blood vessels can be treated with lasers and other light treatments.


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