

They contain no human or animal DNA and have the best safety profile of all the fillers currently on the market. These products are FDA approved.

Juvederm brand makes: Juvederm Volbella (For lips and under the eyes), Juvederm Volift (For deeper lines and lips), Juvederm Voluma (For cheeks and volume loss) and Juvederm Hydrate (See skin boosters).

How long will they last?

Depending on the area treated, your skin, and the injection technique they should last 8-18 months. In some cases duration of the effects can be a shorter or longer. Voluma lasts 12-24 months

What do the filler treatments feel like? Are they painful?

They are relatively painless thanks to the anesthesia included in most syringes, but to reduce the discomfort

We use a topical skin anesthetic. The cream is applied and sits on the skin for 15-30 minutes prior to your appointment. The cream not only makes you more comfortable, it decreases the chance of bruising (by constricting blood vessels temporarily).

We also offer a dental block, which is done by injecting a small amount of numbing solution (xylocaine) at the gum line. You will be numb for about 1-2 hours after the block. We also give patients a cold pack after the treatment to reduce any discomfort and possible swelling.

How long do the fillers take to work?

The effect is immediate, but it can take a few days to “settle into” its final shape. It often looks even better after a day or two. Most patients are surprised at how much better they look right after their treatment.

What are the possible side effects of a dermal filler like Juvederm?

You may have swelling for 24-72 hours, especially with injections in the lips.

Bruising can happen but will resolve spontaneously within 2-10 days. To prevent bruising, you should avoid taking Aspirin and NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, Vitamin E and multivitamins that contain it, Ginkgo Biloba, Glucosamine and Fish oil and also avoid exercise 24 hours after the procedure. You can use Arnica cream/gel or capsules to clear bruising faster.

If you’ve previously had cold sores around the mouth (Herpes simplex), the treatment might provoke an outbreak. Be sure to take Acyclovir or Valacyclovir one day prior for prevention